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Japan // Skiing Hokkaido Pow on Yotei[11:09]
Tour of Mont Blanc // The Last 50 Miles[17:24]
The Tour of Mont Blanc // The First Fifty[12:49]
Alta Via 2 // The Last 50 Miles[21:55]
The Dolomites // Alta Via 2[22:58]
Rock Mountain National Park // Blitzen Ridge[12:37]
Mount Kilimanjaro // The Roof of Africa[20:27]
Mount Meru // Hiking with Giraffes[16:23]
Mount Whitney // Skiing the Mountaineer’s Route[11:34]
Boxcar Couloir // Skiing Another Colorado 14er[10:42]
Chimborazo // The Closest Skier to the Sun[21:33]
Antisana // Skiing on the Equator[17:47]

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